Thursday, 16 June 2011

Free Software - GIMP

GIMP, meaning 'GNU Image Manipulation Program' is free digital imaging software that's a lot like Adobe Photoshop.

You can do all the basic stuff like image cropping, resizing, brighten/darken, changing exposure, saturate desaturate, adding text etc.

However, its the filters and the layering system that allows you to really go to town on your digital photos!

I've done a brief video tutorial on how to use layers in GIMP to replace backgrounds here.

Its free to download from the GIMP website

Monday, 13 June 2011

Creative Partnerships Residency, Halifax

Can you be creative in teaching Maths? Yes you can!
Y7, Y8 and Y9 pupils and their Maths teacher were transformed into media makers at a secondary school in Halifax. I helped them 'become' numbers - 'become' maths, as they solved problems through filmmaking and role play!
Pupils learning was transformed, they increased their understanding of probability, averages and improper equations.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

From Primary to University!

Sheffield Hallam University

I've just completed a project that used a creative approach to encouraging Primary school pupils to consider going to University!

I involved a class of Y6 pupils from Barnsley in role-play games and video making aimed at exploring thoughts and feelings  about being in the grown-up space of a big City University.

Pupils created designs for their perfect classroom and had chance to edit some of the video they had shot. A fun time was had by pupils and teachers. They all received a DVD memento of their experience. Maxine Greaves, Equality and Community Engagement Manager at Sheffield Hallam University hosted the event.